Sharks (1986. - 2013.)
Sharks – carnivores, herbivores, omnivores. Nomen est omen (name is sing and meaning): blue shark, hammerhead, great white… The sharks of Dubravka Lošić in the atrium of the museum have been since the 1990s unwrapped packages of her early cycles. Packages of artefacts that over the lines of wartime demarcations travelled out from Dubrovnik and went back to it. Of almost two decades of standing there, dust and sediment, today the protective textile epidermis of their covering is stiffened, becoming statue, fragment, meteorite, shark. Its yawn, its jaws, teeth that keep the memory of the wrapped, are sewn like a savagely healed scar. Strut, Baroque swelling, elevation ofdesire and ambition of material and form strained and crushed in the interior of the shark has died, is digested and metabolised. After two decades, from the stored mounds of their schools, memory material inside began to swell and pulse with coincidences of meaning and the shark renewed its levitation and its destiny to move, aroused the echo and inversion of Dubravka’s linear course that hurries back in search, finding and review.
M. PSINE (1986. - 2013.)
Morske psine - carnivori, herbivori, omniveri – svežderi. Nomen est omen (ime je znak i značenje ): modrulj, mlat, glavonja, kučak, cania, mekaš, veliki bijeli… Morske psine Dubravke lošić od devedesetih su godina prošlog stoljeća neodmotavani paketi njezinih ranih ciklusa. Paketi artefakata koji su preko linija ratnih razgraničenja putovali iz Dubrovnika i vraćali se u njega. Od skoro dva desetljeća odstajalosti, prašine i taloga danas je zaštitna tekstilna epiderma njihova omota ukrućena, postavši kip, krhotina, meteorit, M. psina. Njegov zijev, čeljust, zubi koji čuvaju memoriju umotanog, zašiveni su nalik divlje zacijeljenom ožiljku. Kočopernost, barokizirano bujanje, uznositost htijenja i ambicija mate- rije i forme stegnute i zgnječene u unutrašnjosti M. psina zamrlo je, probavljeno je i metabolizirano. Nakon dva desetljeća, iz uskladištene gomile njihova jata, memorijska materija iznutra započinje bubriti i pulsirati koincidencijama značenja, a M. psina obnavlja svoju levitaciju i usud gibanja. Probuđena je jeka i inverzija Dubravkina linearnoga tijeka koje hita prema natrag u traženju, pronalaženju i reviziji.