During the eighties, Dubravka’s marionettes were a kind of paradigm of what was to happen in her style in the next decades, these were friezes agglomerating cut and overlapping figures of large dynamic thrusts and a game of composition. The obsession with multiplying and combining that gathered pace in the morphic figures of runners, moons, letters and ships. Marionettes are ancient egyptian and Greek game, the Greek etymon for which is in the name nevrospastos contains the nouns neuron and wire, or thread. Not accidently, this became for Dubravka a semic requisite. Marionettes never changed their content and were not performed into something else, only the form of the new moon replaced the anthropomorphy or in the big marionettes letters and shapes. The first were created in 1986 and 1987. the neurospasts were still controlled by threads. In 2007 the Big Runners were created, an enlargement to life size. The threads were done away with and the code of the neurospast was still in their subconscious. A cycle was conceived that evokes the Greek pentathlon, the diaoluos of the pan-athenian games and the kouroses. The Big Runners were an enormous three-year long psychic and physical investment of the artist, one that remains without precedent (thirty assemblages of friezes on metal constructions wit ten nine-part figures). In the context of the Chorae that came as an echo they became an indissoluble dyad. I shall repeat the Greek name of Dubravka’s runners, neurospastos, which are like members and like nerves. In action senseless, conditioned and unavoidable. In their format they are the great stage setting and action of the world, in the nature of the material the topography of their experience, in colour and being the Manichaean schism of life cycles and dramas. A seismography of the great Dubrovnik earthquake. They impinge on metaphor and allegory and raise the narrative substrate of the uncovered stage of the world and the vanity of elevated aspirations in the name of the Father. Of a symbolic, anthropometric and logocentric order the centre of which has shattered and behind which is left panic, shuddering and anxiety.
Tijekom osamdesetih godina Marionete su bile svojevrsna paradigma onoga što će se zbivati u njenome rukopisu sljedećih desetljeća. Bile su to frizne aglomeracije rezanih i preklapanih figura velikih dinamičkih potisaka i igre komponiranja, opsesija množenja i kombiniranja koja je uzela
maha u morfičkim figurama trkača, luna, slova, brodova. Marionete su drevna egipatska i grčka igra
čiji grčki etimon u nazivu nevrospastos sadrži imenice neuron i žica, odnosno nit. Ne slučajno to postaje semički rekvizit Dubravke Lošić. Marionete nikada nisu promijenile svoj sadržaj i nisu se performirale u nešto drugo, tek je oblik mjesečeve mlađi zamijenio antropomorfiju ili, u velikim marionetama, slova i brodovi. Prve nastaju 1986. i 1987. još uvijek kao neuropaste upravljane nitima.
Godine 2007. nastaju Veliki trkači, uvećanica u prirodnoj veličini. Ukidaju se niti a kôd neuropaste nadalje i zauvijek ostaje u njihovoj podsvijesti. Zameće se ciklus koji zaziva grčku pentatlonsku
utrku diaoluos panatenejskih igara i Kourose. Trideset friznih asemblaža na metalnim konstrukcijama sa deset devetodjelnih figura.Veliki Trkači su kulturalna mnemnička čestica
razvijena kao asemblaž i veliki kolaž, reljef, objekt, sjena, silueta, obrisi i slika. U kontekstu s Chorama, koje su nadošle kao jeka, postaju nerazmrsiva dijada. Chore su nastale kao antinomija, kao položeni princip zemlje. Ponovit ću grčko ime trkača - neurospastos - koji su kao ûdī i kao živac. U akciji bezumni, uvjetovani i neizbježni. U svome su formatu velika scenografija i zbivanje svijeta, u naravi materije topografija njegova doživljaja, u boji i zbivanju manihejski rasjed životnih ciklusa i drama. Seizmografija velike dubrovačke trešnje. Dotiču metaforu i alegoriju te podižu naracijski supstrat razgrnute pozornice svijeta i zaludnosti uznositih htijenja u ime Oca. Simboličkoga, antropometrijskog i logocentričnog reda kojemu se središte rasprsnulo i iza kojeg
je ostala panika, drtanje i zebnja.
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